Download Moagg


Version Release Date Download Link Size (bytes)
1.95b 2008-12-06 2739184
1.94b 2008-01-31 2368798
1.93 2008-01-18 2349496
1.92 2008-01-05 2333417
1.91 2008-01-01 2303308
1.90 2007-12-26 2201668

Installation Instructions

First, the ZIP file must be unpacked to an arbitrary target directory. On Windows, double click the run.bat batch file to start the game. On Linux, the script must be executed instead. This script was also reported to work on MacOS X 10.5 Leopard.

Getting the Source Code

Go to the Source Repository page for information on how to retrieve Moagg via SVN. After checkout, the README_source.txt file contains instructions on how to set up your environment (Eclipse, Maven2) and how to build the game.

Download moagg-tiled-plugin


Version Release Date Download Link Size (bytes)
0.6.1-1 2008-01-26 tiled-moagg-plugin-0.6.1-1.jar 142630

Installation Instructions

Just copy the tiled-moagg-plugin to the plugins directory your tiled installation. There's a known issue with tiled 0.6.1, where the selected plugin for loading a map won't be used. That means that you have to delete all other plugins (or at least the mappy.jar plugin) from the plugins directory.